Sunday 27 July 2014


Saffron is a popular spice and an expensive one too. Its taste makes it great for usage in food, as refreshment and even for making beverages. Saffron’s unique colour, flavour and other properties give it culinary and medicinal characteristics that make it renowned all over the world.
Health Benefits of Saffron:

Saffron is mostly known for its inclusion in food items. But it has very significant nutrients and chemical compounds which are beneficial in providing medicinal benefits. Let us look at a few of the saffron uses below:

1. Disease prevention:

One of the main saffron benefits when used in cooking food is that it contains many plant derived chemical components which are known to prevent diseases. They are also known to promote overall well-being of the body.

2. Anti depressant:

The active components in the saffron make our body lose its depressing characteristics making it a dietary necessity sometimes.

3. Digestive properties:

Saffron is also a digestive and an anti convulsant.

4. Cell formation and repair:

Potassium, found in saffron, is a necessary source that favours cell formation and repair.

5. Heart diseases, blood pressure:

Potassium also helps maintains the blood pressure and keeps heart diseases at bay.

6. Blood cell production:

Iron is a very useful component in the body as the blood requires it to form haemoglobin and it is a co-factor in the red blood cell production too.

7. Optimum health:

The overall mineral content including calcium, vitamins, proteins etc present in Saffron ensure the maintenance of optimum health.

8. Saffron for Fairer Skin:

To get naturally fair skin

Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for 2 hours.
Smear this milk all over your face and neck.
Wash off after few minutes.
Using this regularly will make your skin naturally fair.

9. Combats Hair Loss:

10. Depression

Saffron, when taken correctly, is effective at treating mild to moderate depression. It has been proven to be just as effective as some popular prescription medications for depression that is commonly prescribed by doctors to their patients. For it to be effective, the most important thing is to make certain that you are buying 100% real saffron from a reputable dealer. You also need to make sure that the saffron only consists of the red filaments.

When you receive the saffron, it is best to soak it in either broth, milk or warm water before you cook with it. This will help make it more potent when you add it to any recipe. If you do not want to cook with the saffron, an alternative way to use it to treat your depression would be to add it into a tea or some milk to consume. To make it, just mix at least ten strands of the saffron into your drink with some sweetener of your choice. Mix it well and enjoy. When taken at night, it can also help treat depression that is associated with insomnia.

11. Asthma

Asthma can be a really frustrating problem for a lot of people. It can make it very difficult to breathe. The reason it makes it hard to breathe is because your lungs become inflamed. When your lungs become inflamed, your airways begin to restrict which causes less air to be able to pass through. Saffron helps to clear your airways making it easier for you to breath.

12. Sleeping Habits

If you are someone that has trouble sleeping, using a saffron herbal supplement can also help you to avoid those restless or sleepless nights. The best way to use saffron to help you sleep is by mixing it with some milk or tea and your favorite sweetener and then drinking it before bed.

13. Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is a very dangerous condition in which the arteries begin to harden. When your arteries harden they have trouble transporting the amount of oxygen needed to different parts of the body. Because this condition is not easy to detect in early stages, it is vital to take precautions early on.

This is where using saffron as an herbal supplement can help. An herbal saffron supplement can decrease the chances of getting arteriosclerosis. The saffron acts as a stimulant and an antioxidant to help increase the circulation throughout the body.

14. Cancer

According to research, saffron can also help aide in a persons fight with cancer. Cancer cellsgrow by building and creating their own blood supply in the body. Saffron is thought to help fight cancer by entering the cancer cells and sending them a signal to commit suicide (known as Apoptosis), thus leading to the cancer dying off. Saffron contains Carotenoids which are thought to cause toxic and deadly reactions to certain cancer cells in the body, such as leukemia cells, sarcoma cells, and cancerous carcinoma cells.

15. Menstrual Relief

For women who have irregular periods, they can take saffron to help regulate their menstruation. An herbal saffron supplement can help induce menstruation as well as help relieve pain that is associated with periods. Along with period relief, saffron can also help to reduce chronic uterus bleeding.



Studies have shown that Black seed oil is an effective anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory remedy. As a result, it is often used to fight infections and strengthen the immune system. It contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. Black seed oil provides a rich supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These ingredients play a key role in daily health and wellness. Black seed oil has over 1400 years history of use. Many ancient books and text suggest the following traditional uses for Black seed oil.

1- Asthma Attack
To treat the asthma attack mix 10 drops of Black seed oil and one tea spoon honey in one glass warm water. Drink it as morning drink and once after dinner. Forty days treatment gives a positive result.

2- Bleeding of Nose
Bleeding of nose is a common problem among kids especially in hot days of summer. For its treatment burn a clean white paper. To the ashes add twenty two drops of Black seed oil and apply inside the nose.

3- Burns
To treat the burns combine 5 gm Black seed oil, 30 gm olive oil, 15 grams of Calamus (BUCH) and 80 grams of Mehendi leaves. Application on burns and feel soothing.

4- Chest Irritation & Stomach Trouble
Follow a three days treatment to control chest irritation and stomach trouble. Make a mixture by adding half tea spoon Black seed oil in a cup of warm milk. Drink it two times in a day.

5- Cough & Congestion
Take some Black seed oil, add desi Ghee and little salt and rub it on throat and chest once a day. Taking ½ teaspoon of Black seed oil daily in the morning is also beneficial.

6- Constipation
Mix ten drops of black Black seed oil with one teaspoon castor oil in mild warm milk and drink.

7- Dandruff
Mix 10 gms of Black seed oil, 30 gms of olive oil, 30 gms of mehindi powder. Heat for a while and apply paste on scalps when becomes cool, rinse well with shampoo after one hour.

8- Diabetic
Take one cup of black tea with one tea spoon Black seed oil in it. Take it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Continue taking it for least forty days. After that take some sweet to check the sugar level. If it is on normal level, stop taking black tea.

9- Ear Infection
Mix equal amount of Black seed oil and pure olive oil, mild warm it and put a few drops in ear.

10- Fever Treatment
For the treatment of simple fever. In a half cup of water add half lemon juice and half tea spoon ofBlack seed oil; mix well and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief from fever.

11- Fresh Face
For the freshness of your face use this remedy. Mix up three table spoons of honey, half table spoon Black seed oil and half tea spoon olive oil. Apply this mixture on your face twice a day in the morning and before sleep. Continue treatment at least forty days.

12- Hair Loss & Premature Greying
Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon; leave it for fifteen minutes & shampoo. After getting dried apply Black seed oil to whole scalp, continue for six weeks.

13- Headache
Headache is one of the major diseases of present era. To get rid from it, at the time of headache message Black seed oil on the forehead and near ears. If you should not feel easy then also drink half tea spoon Black seed oil twice a day.

14- Heart Attack
To lower down the risk of heart attack use this effective treatment. Mix half tea spoon of Black seed oil in one cup of goat milk and use it twice a day. This will liquefy the fats & widen the veins & arteries. Avoid fatty foods. Continue drinking for ten days and after that take it once a day.

15- Joint Pain
Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints are terrible to face. Make an effective remedy by mixing one tea spoon vinegar, two tea spoons of honey and add half tea spoon of Black seed oil. Use this mixture two times a day before breakfast & after dinner and also massage with same oils. Avoid gas producing elements for 21 days.

16- Memory Power
Weak memory power and forgetfulness is a great issue in many people. To strengthen memory power boil 10 gm mint leaves in half cup water. Strain and mix half tea spoon Black seed oil and take it twice a day. Continue treatment for twenty days.

17- Migraine
Add one drop of Black seed oil in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Head massage with black Black seed oil and drink ten drops of Black seed oil once a day to relief from migraine.

18- Obesity
Take half tea spoon of Black seed oil, two tea spoons of honey mixed in lukewarm water and take twice a day. It will help to overcome your obesity. You also need to avoid from fried foodsand bakery items.

19- Perfect Sleep
For a perfect good night sleep, right after dinner take half tea spoon Black seed oil with one tea spoon honey and enjoy a sound sleep.

20- Piles and Madness
Take half teaspoon of Black seed oil mixed with one cup black tea, take twice a day before breakfast & after dinner. Avoid hot & spicy items.

21- Pimples & Acne
Take one cup sweet lime juice or pineapple juice add half teaspoon of Black seed oil twice a time daily. Before breakfast & after dinner for four weeks.

22- Severe Cold
To treat the severe cold, take half cup of water add half tea spoon Black seed oil and quarter tea spoon of olive oil; mix together and strain. Add two drops of strained mixture into the nose. Use this twice a day for better result.

23- Tooth Ache & Swelling Gums
Mix half teaspoon of Black seed oil with warm water & gargle the mouth. Also apply Black seed oil on the affected tooth, it will lighten pain quickly.

24- Weakness of Brain
To increase brain power take one teaspoon of ghee or two teaspoons of milk cream with two drops of Black seed oil and add sugar for taste, take it daily before breakfast. Continue until gets good result.

25- White and Black Spots on Skin
Make a solution by mixing one cup white vinegar and one tea spoon Black seed oil. Apply this mixture on affected areas before sleep at night and rinse off in the morning. Repeat this until get a clear skin.

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