Sunday 24 November 2013

Hijama has stimulating and strengthening effects so it successfully treats the following conditions:
1  1.   Constipation and Diarrhea
2.            Headaches
3.            Back pain
4.            Arthritis
5.            Period pain
6.            Injuries
7.            Asthma
8.            Cellulite
9.            Fatigue
10.        Anemia
11.        Depression
12.        Emotional problems
13.        Atrophy
14.        Sciatica
15.        Common cold and flu
16.        Skin problems
17.        Weight loss and much more.
Even though Hijama is a very simple procedure, it has dramatic effects. Our health and well-being are tied up with the immune system and are totally dependent on the flow of blood and Qi (energy) and body fluids like hormones and lymphatic fluid. Traditional medicine tells us that all pain is due to stagnation of these symptoms. The cups used in Hijama have a wonderful pulling power and this is a dramatic technique in reducing pain and enhancing the feeling of well-being.
Importance of the skin
Any topical stimulus that is directed to influence and manipulate the internal or external organs must start with the skin. The body’s first contact with the outside world is through the skin and it is true to say that the skin is the mirror of our health. If a person has good health, his or her skin will be shiny, tight and smooth and will respond to temperature and will be warm when touched. The skin protects the body from pathogens and plays a role in a number of body functions. It is the main organ of sensation, through many millions of nerve endings contained in its structure.
The main fourteen channels with a direct link to the internal organs lie within the skin. When stimulating a particular point through Hijama, the organ’s blood and Qi is manipulated. In Chinese medicine the skin is directly controlled and influenced by the lungs. The lungs spread the Qi and fluids all over the body through the skin.
Blood is transformed from the essence of food produced through the functional activity of Qi that circulates through the blood vessels and nourishes the body tissue. Blood is derived from food and Qi and produced by the spleen. (Blood will be discussed in detail in the section about the anatomy of the body)
Qi is the invisible life force – like air and wind. The West tries to define Qi as ‘the energy of life’, ‘vital force’, ‘life force’, ‘energy’, but there is no Western equivalent. When we are ill we feel weak and have a low energy level but when we feel better we feel more energetic and much stronger. So we all experience the existence of Qi continuously. Movement of any kind requires Qi and often this is manifested as heat. Lack of energy is signified by cold.
When treating a disease at the Qi level, the external pathogen is still fighting at the skin and the body’s overall resistance is still good. Some clinical manifestations of this are a high fever, a cough with thin yellow phlegm, wheezing and thirst. Hijama treatment at this level is very effective.
Stagnation of body systems can be the result of lack of movement, injury, stress, a lack of blood, Qi or the invasion of cold into the body and joints. Cold drinks and foods or irregular feeding habits can also cause accumulation problems. All these impair the Spleen’s function of transformation and transportation. Clinical manifestations of this are restlessness, vomiting, and the production of phlegm, diarrhea, constipation, a hardened stomach and painful abdomen. Hijama relieves all these symptoms.
Regardless of the cause, Hijama can be applied to specific points of the body like what is done in acupuncture, to the area that is dysfunctional. After a short time the patient will feel warmth and there will be a reduction of pain.
Fluids in the body can also become stagnant and they are necessary to help the stomach carry out its proper digestive function.
Hijama therapy regulates the flow of Qi and blood. It also helps draw out and eliminate pathogenic factors like wind, cold, damp and heat. Hijama also moves Qi and blood and opens the pores of the skin, thus, assisting the removal of pathogens through the skin.
Beauty therapy
Hijama is also beneficial in beauty therapy as it promotes the production of hormones, encourages blood flow and body fluid movement in the bowels and internal organs. In this way toxins are removed and this is important because toxins speed up the aging process and cause other negative conditions.
Authentic holistic therapy balances all aspects of the body. The aging process speeds up when individual cells dry out, or too much sun. Kidney weakness also speeds up the aging process and leads to dry and damaged hair, early graying or hair loss. Imbalance in ladies also manifests in the early signs of menopause with hot flushes, night sweats and dry skin. Simply applying external lotion to the skin or hair does not access the root cause.
Stimulating and strengthening effects
The benefits of Hijama are uncountable due to its stimulating and strengthening effects. It has treated bowel conditions, headaches, back pain, arthritis, menstrual pain, injuries, asthma, cellulite, fatigue, anemia, depression and emotional problems, atrophy, sciatica, common cold and flu, skin problems, blood pressure, weight loss and ladies problems. The negative role of toxins in the degeneration of health is of ever-increasing importance. Even though modern medicine has eradicated many epidemics there is an increase in what is called civilization diseases (metabolism diseases). These diseases are caused by the great quantity of chemicals a person takes during his or her lifetime. A recent American statistic on food additives shows a 100-pound intake per person in his life span. The average American takes about 1000 tablets a year. This is a health catastrophe. Modern medicine differs greatly from its ancestors who maintained that the body functions are interrelated in a network.
Release of toxins and impurities
One of the main functions of Hijama treatment is that it releases toxins with minimal additional stress to internal organs. It also directly de-acidifies tissues, enhances blood circulation, stimulates the immune system and reduces stress as it releases chemicals in the brain that reduce stress and depression. Another benefit of Hijama therapy is that it facilitates a sufficient flow of nutrition to the affected tissues and stimulates the flow of blood and lymph to the affected area. In this way, it improves blood and lymph flow, and activates the function of the organs. Performing Hijamahon the corresponding organ points is used to treat disorders such as liver and kidney problems, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders and some gynecological disorders.
In ancient times, Hijama did not have specific indications and was mainly used to drain blood and pus from abscess and for sucking blood from poisoned wounds and snakebites. However, in later times this therapy expanded to encompass illnesses related to internal medicine such as pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, abdominal pain, stomach ache, indigestion, headache, hypertension, common cold, lumbago, backache, swelling and eye pain and boils. In some places, Hijama therapy was used in conjunction with acupuncture. Today, Hijama is used to treat colds, lung infections and problems in the internal organs. It is also used to treat muscle spasms especially in the back. It can also be used to treat painful joints, stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea. Since Hijama stimulates the flow of blood it helps to treat blood stagnation, poor circulation, and asthmatic conditions.
Hijama strengthens the body’s resistance and eliminates pathogenic factors and so prevents illness. It also regulates the function of the blood and promotes general good health. By creating localized bruising, it activates the body’s defensive cells to heal the bruised area. In the past, people who were not ill often had Hijama done twice a year; in the spring and the autumn believing that thinning the blood would promote good health. This continued to the 19th century and was a regular practice.
Pearl divers in the Arabian Gulf used to undergo Hijama before the diving season in the belief that this would prevent diseases during the three months at sea. It was also thought to be very effective against dizziness.
Dr. Katase from Osaka University maintained that Hijama influences the composition of blood as it increases red and white blood cells and changes acid blood into alkaline or neutral blood thereby leading to the purification of blood. It also purifies the body of accumulated irritants that cause inflammation.
Recent studies indicate that having Hijama done at specific points on the back increases immunity by increasing the white blood cell counts. In addition to enhancing the body’s defenses, Hijama regulates blood circulation throughout the entire body. The flow of blood in the human body is very important as it regulates, coordinates and unifies the organs via the blood vessels. The flow of blood is the life force that maintains health and each organ receives its requirements of nourishment to maintain a healthy, normal state. The blood flows throughout the body nourishing tissues and enhancing the immune system.
Effect on circulatory system
Hijama also has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Due to the pull of low pressure, the flow of blood in arteries and veins increases and in the veins localized congested blood appears then disappears. With Hijama therapy it is possible to ease the interruption of blood circulation and congestion and to eliminate the inflammatory fluids from the tissues. So the greatest characteristic of Hijama is the facilitation of blood flow.
Effect on diseases
Almost all diseases respond to Hijama. The following are some of the most common:
Pain related conditions
Hijama eases pain, especially that which is related to headache, menstrual cramps, dental pain, tennis elbow, muscle pain, back pain and sciatica.
Headache and migraine
In the 18th century Al-Hijamah was considered to be an effective remedy for headache and it was highly recommended for migraine. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) used Hijama as a treatment for migraine.
Rheumatic diseases
Many rheumatic disorders simply disappear after just a few sessions of Hijama therapy. It has a great effect on back and joint problems and is especially helpful for conditions such as rheumatism, lumbago and stiff neck and shoulders because it increases blood circulation and mobility. By supplying more oxygen, hormones and essential enzymes to local tissues and joints, Hijama keeps local tissues warm and this increases elasticity and flexibility in muscles and joints. It also relieves muscle spasms and stiffness in muscular tissue and the pain that is associated with it. It has a remarkable effect on a stiff (frozen) shoulder. It is also effective for chronic joint rheumatism as it facilitates the flow of blood to the joints. It also removes congested blood and solves problems that cannot be solved with acupuncture.
In the beginning, Hijama was recommended for the treatment of arthritis and pain as well as gout. When treating arthritis the treatment is concentrated on the area of the joints concerned. If it is a mild case it is possible to have a complete cure.
Low back pain
Hijama relieves low back pain and in chronic cases it can be used along with acupuncture.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome is long-standing severe fatigue without substantial muscle weakness and without proven physical or psychological causes. It has been found that Hijama along with acupuncture is an effective treatment.
Fevers and local inflammation
Chinese doctors believe that a number of diseases are the result of blood stagnation and heat. They used Hijama to remove stagnant blood, activate blood circulation and dispel pathogenic factors. Hijama was used on patients suffering from flu, headache and fever.
Chest and heart diseases
Hijama is also recommended for the treatment of lung diseases, especially chronic cough, pleurisy, bronchial congestion and asthma. It was also advocated for the treatment of congestive heart failure until the 1930s. As recently as 1942, medical textbooks advised Hijama for high fever pneumonia and acute pneumonia. Hijama also successfully treats hypertension.
Gastrointestinal diseases
The stomach, spleen and intestines are considered to be the most important engines of the human body. From these areas the natural healing power of the body derives its energy. Dry Hijama stimulates the insides of these organs, their movement and secretion of digestive fluids and so strengthens the power of digestion, the absorption of nourishment and the power of secretion. It relives chronic gastroenteritis and constipation. These organs also benefit from Hijama treatment applied to the back as it stimulates the spinal nerves and automatic nerves as well as strengthening the muscles of the respiratory system.
Urinary diseases
Hijama therapy is known to treat stones, abscess and urine retention. Cups can be applied to the lumber region to treat urine retention.
Dermatologic diseases
The skin disorders that are well-known to be treated by Hijama are: boils, abscess, herpes, acne, cellulite and urticaria. Sometimes acupuncture is used in conjunction with Hijama. Hijama therapy is also known to stimulate hair growth through direct physical stimuli on hair roots and the expansion of blood vessels of the skin through the pull of low pressure. The skin is benefited in many ways through Hijama treatment as it stimulates the flow of lymph fluids which helps remove bacteria and carry proteins. This strengthens the power of the skin and its resistance too many harmful conditions, meaning it would regenerate faster if it is cut or wounded. The enhancement of blood circulation encourages a sufficient supply of nutrition to skin tissue. After Hijama, skin temperature rises and increases blood flow. Hijama also improves skin respiration and promotes gaseous exchange within cells. It also promotes metabolism within skin tissues and accelerates the functions of both sweat and sebaceous glands leading to the secretion of salts, sebaceous material and the excretion of sweat. The essential point of Hijama is not only to expel stagnant blood but also to expand blood vessels to facilitate blood flow and remove toxic substances from the surface of the skin.
Psychological diseases
Hijama therapy is like massage and is effective against anxiety and worry. Hence, insomnia is treated with Hijama in conjunction with massage. It also helps balance hormones, which is very effective when treating depression.
Infectious diseases
In the 18th century Hijama was considered an effective remedy for cholera and in America Hijama was encouraged during yellow fever epidemics. Furthermore, mumps was treated by applying water Hijama over the swollen glands.
Varicose veins
Hijama removes stagnant blood from these fine capillaries. Hijama should never be done directly on the main varicose veins.
Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system is made up of lymphatic vessels (similar to blood vessels) and lymph nodes (glands) that extend throughout the body. It helps maintain the balance of fluid in the body by draining excess fluid from the tissues of the body and returning it to the blood system.
Closely related to the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system has several major functions. It is important in the body’s defence mechanism, filtering out bacteria and also (along with the spleen) producing disease-fighting lymphocytes (white blood cells), generating antibodies that are so essential to the body’s immune system. The fluid that circulates in the system is called lymph. In addition to lymph, the system includes lymphatic capillaries and large vessels, lymph nodes (glands), the spleen, the tonsils and the thymus. Besides forming lymphocytes and antibodies, the lymphatic system is also responsible for the collection of fatty globules from the intestine and their transmission through the mesenteric glands and the thoracic duct into the bloodstream.
The lymphatic system also prevents infection entering the bloodstream. It also preserves the fluid balance throughout the body. After an injury, the affected tissue generally swells. It is the lymphatic system that removes most of the excess fluid, and then returns it for circulation. All forms of massage or tactile therapy that involve stimulation of the skin surface will result in improvement of blood and lymph circulation. One advantage that blood circulation has over lymph circulation is that blood is pumped around the body by means of the heart. In contrast, the circulation of lymph relies on breathing, movement (walking or exercising) or external pressure, which is usually administered by various types of compression garments or bandages, and gravity. Since the origin of the lymph is the blood plasma, the two fluids are very much interconnected and inseparable physiologically.
As the lymph circulates between the cells, it collects waste matter including dead blood cells, toxic material and, if present, some cancer cells. While blood is responsible for collecting and distributing oxygen, nutrients and hormones nourishing the entire body, the lymphatic system is responsible for collecting and removing waste products in tissues, acting as a systematic garbage collection service! When this waste is not collected adequately or effectively, it congregates as a localized congestion. Waste-laden lymph is filtered by lymph nodes that are located throughout the body, some superficially under the skin and others situated deeper in tissue in the abdomen and neck, under the arms and the intercostal spaces both to the front and back of the rib cage. The function of these lymph nodes is to remove some fluid and toxic matter as well as killing many pathogens. They are also sometimes responsible for trapping cancerous cells, slowing down the spread of the disease.During cupping therapy, in particular when ‘moving cupping’ is employed, both blood and lymph circulator} – systems are simultaneously stimulated to work more efficiently.
This results in a more efficient collection and transportation mechanism for toxic substances, depositing them into the lymphatic system to be destroyed, and allowing the circulation of fresh lymph in order to nourish the tissues and generate a booster to the immune system.

Cupping (Hijama) Is the Best of Remedies:
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (hijama)…” [Saheeh al-Bukhaari (5371)
Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama).” (Sunan abi Dawud (3857), Sunan ibn Maajah (3476)
The Angels Recommending Cupping (Hijama):
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” (Sunan ibn Maajah (3477) in the narration reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud r.a. the angels said, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama).” [Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)
Cupping (Hijama) Is a Preventative Medicine:
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Whoever wants to perform cupping (hijama) then let him search for the 17th, 19th and 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) and let none of you allow his blood to rage (boil) such that it kills him.” [Sunan ibn Maajah (3486).
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “When the weather becomes extremely hot, seek aid in cupping (hijama). Do not allow your blood to rage (boil) such that it kills you.” [Reported by Hakim in his 'Mustadrak' and he authenticated it and Imam ad-Dhahabi agreed (4/212).
In Cupping (Hijama) There Is A Cure and A blessing:
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Healing is in three things: in the incision of the cupper, in drinking honey, and in cauterizing with fire, but I forbid my Ummah (nation) from cauterization (branding with fire).” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5681),Sunan ibn Maajah (3491)
Jaabir ibn Abdullah r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim (5706)
Ibn Umar r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach* is best. In it is a cure and a blessing…” [Sunan ibn Maajah (3487).
*Alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink.
Cupping (Hijama) In Its Time Is A Cure for Every Disease:
Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan abi Dawud (3861).
The Best Days for Cupping (Hijama):
The best days for cupping (hijama) are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the Islamic, lunar month which coincides with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Whoever wants to perform cupping (hijama) then let him search for the 17th, 19th and 21st…” [Sunan ibn Maajah (3486)
Ibn Umar r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach* is best. In it is a cure and a blessing. It improves the intellect and the memory. So cup yourselves with the blessing of Allah on Thursday. Keep away from cupping (hijama) on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to be safe. Perform cupping (hijama) on Monday and Tuesday for it is the day that Allah saved Ayoub from a trial. He was inflicted with the trial on Wednesday. You will not find leprosy except (by being cupped) on Wednesday or Wednesday night.” [Sunan ibn Maajah (3487).
Ibn Umar r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach is best. It increases the intellect and improves the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorising. So whoever is going to be cupped then (let it be) on a thursday in the name of Allah Keep away from being cupped on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Be cupped on a Monday or Tuesday. Do not be cupped on a Wednesday because it is the day that Ayoub was befallen with a trial. You will not find leprosy except (by being cupped) on Wednesday or Wednesday night.” Sunan ibn Maajah (3488)
* ‘alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink. as for the Islamic day and night, the night enters before the day. So at sunset on Tuesday, Wednesday night comes in. Cupping (hijama) is best performed during the daytime between the adhaan of fajr and the adhaan of maghrib because yawm in arabic means daytime.
The Sunnah days for cupping (hijama) every month are when the 17th, 19th or 21st of the Islamic, lunar month coincide with a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. These are the best and most beneficial days for cupping (hijama). If one is not able to be cupped on the 17th, 19th or 21st (coinciding with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) then any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of the month. The most beneficial days for cupping (hijama) after the Sunnah days are the closest Monday, Tuesday or Thursday to the 17th, 19th or 21st of the Islamic, lunar month and Allah knows best.
Cupping (Hijama) May Be Used For:
Salma r.a., the servant of the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Whenever someone would complain of a headache to the Messenger of Allah r, he r would advise them to perform cupping (hijama).” Sunan abi Dawud (3858)
Ibn al-Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was cupped on his head when he was afflicted with magic and that it is from the best of cures for this if performed correctly. Zaad al Ma'aad (4/125-126)
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that a Jewish woman gave poisoned meat to the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) so he r sent her a message saying, “What caused you to do that?” She replied, “If you really are a Prophet then Allah will inform you of it and if you are not then I would save the people from you!” When the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) felt pain from it, he r performed cupping (hijama). Once he travelled while in Ihram and felt that pain and hence performed cupping(hijama)[Ahmed (1/305) the hadeeth is hasan (good chain with all the paths)
Strengthening One’s Intelligence and Memory
Ibn Umar r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach* is best. In it is a cure and a blessing. It improves the intellect and the memory…”Sunan ibn Maajah (3487).
* ‘alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink.
Jaabir ibn Abdullah r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) fell from his horse onto the trunk of a palm tree and dislocated his foot. Waki’t said, “Meaning the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) Was cupped on (his foot) for bruising.” [Sunan ibn Maajah (2807).
Cupping (Hijama) While fasting or In the State Of Ihram
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was cupped on his head for a unilateral headache while he was in Ihraam. (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree 5701).
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was cupped while he was fasting. [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5694).
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. was asked: “Did you dislike cupping for the fasting person?” He said, “No except for the reason of one becoming weak.” (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (1940).
This is not affected by the hadeeth, “The cupper and the one being cupped have broken their fast.” [Saheeh see Irwaa al-Ghaleel (931)]. This is because the hadeeth is abrogated as Sheikh al-Albaani and ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy upon them) showed by the following hadeeth:
Abu Sa’eed al-Khudhree r.a. said, “The Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) Validated cupping for the fasting person.” [Saheeh see Irwaa al-Ghaleel (4/74).
It appears that cupping (hijama) is allowed but disliked as Anas ibn Maalik r.a. mentioned because the fasting person becomes weak if they perform cupping (hijama) and Allah knows best.
Areas of Cupping (Hijama)
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was treated with cupping (hijama) three times on the two veins at the side of the neck and the base of the neck. Sunan abi Dawud (3860), ibn Maajah (3483).
Abdullah ibn Abbas r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was cupped on his head. [Saheeh al-Bukhaari (5699)
Abdullah ibn ‘Umar r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) used to cup his head and would call it (the place at the top of the head) “Umm Mugheeth.”Saheehah (753), Saheeh al-Jaami’ (4804)
Jaabir ibn Abdullah r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was treated with cupping (hijama) on his hip for a pain in that area. [Sunan abi Dawud (3863)
Anas ibn Maalik r.a. reported that the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) was treated with cupping (hijama)
when he was in Ihram, on the top of his foot, for a pain in that area. (Sunan abi Dawud 1836).
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said, “Cupping (hijama) under the chin is beneficial for pain in the teeth, face and throat, if it is performed in its proper time. It purifies the head and the jaws.
Cupping (hijama) on the top of the foot is a substitution for the puncturing of the Saphena, which is a large vein in the heel. It is beneficial for treating ulcers that occur on the thighs and calves, the interruption of menses and skin irritation on the testicles.
Cupping (hijama) at the bottom of the chest is beneficial for the treatment of sores, scabies and mange on the thighs. It helps against gout, hemorrhoids, elephantiasis and itchiness on the back.” (Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/58)
Cupping (Hijama) for Women
Jaabir ibn Abdullah r.a. reported Umm Salama (may Allah be pleased with her) asked permission from the Messenger s.a.w to be treated with cupping (hijama). So the Nabi (salallahu alayhi wasallam.) ordered Abu Teeba r.a. to cup her. Jaabir ibn Abdullah r.a. said,” I think he s.a.w. said that Abu Teeba r.a. is her brother through breastfeeding or a young boy who didn’t reach puberty”. [Saheeh Muslim (5708), abu Dawud (4102), ibn Maajah (3480).

Always take sensible precautions when using cupping (HIJAMA). These include:
Sterilization: This is the main key to success Use Suitable Cups for the area being treated. Take Extra Care with children and the elderly. Do not apply strong cupping to the face.
1.   Clean thoroughly, remove body hair.
2.   Patients must be advised to fast for a minimum of four hours before treatment. Avoid applying right after a meal or heavy exercise.
3.   In the initial treatment, small cups should be used first, and the cups may be less and the stimulation should be gentle.
4.   Apply a thin layer of lubricant around the mouth of cup and the area of treatment. Vaseline balm, vegetable oil, or water may be used as lubricant.
5.   The cups can be used individually or in combination according to your preference.
6.   After the desired elapsed time, simply release the pressure in the cup by pulling up on the cup’s valve to release vacuum. Always use this method to release cup gently (rather than wrenching it away suddenly) to prevent skin damage.
7.   It is normal for darkening to appear on the skin where cups are applied. This will dissipate in a few days
8.   After cupping, the phenomena of appearing localized skin blister, water droplets, bleeding points, extravasations of blood are all normal therapeutic reactions… The blister, if .Will be absorbed spontaneously, and so needs only prevent abrasion and rupture. If the blister is bigger, which indicates the disease is more severe, the blister may be ruptured with an aseptic needle to discharge the fluid, and then sterile gauze is applied to prevent infection.
9.   Keep the room warm during placing and removing cupping to avoid air draught and guard against catching cold.
10.  Use for no more than 15 minutes / target area, 1~2 times daily, 10 days / area. (After 10 days, give the area a rest of at least 1-2 days).
11. Don’t eat meat, poultry, salt, dark fizzy drink, dairy product, tea, coffee for the next 48 hours.
12. No sexual intercourse 48 hours before and after the treatment is scheduled.
13.  A warm shower should be taken as close to the time of the procedure as practical.
14. The tendency to become tired after cupping “Hijama” and want to rest is common but resting must be avoided for at least the first few hours after the procedure. This is why we schedule all cupping ”Hijama” in the morning to avoid people from resting soon after the procedure and to make the fasting easier. Inactivity can result in the promotion of blood clotting, which is why resting is highly discouraged. In fact a half hour to one hour walk is highly recommended. The danger of clotting is rare but nonetheless possible. Especially if falling asleep after the procedure.
15. Red marks from the cupping ”Hijama” normally fade within a few days, depending on skin type. Do not scratch the cupped areas.
16. The small shallow incisions necessary to extract the dead blood cells may take a few weeks to heal. In some cases faint tiny lines of scarring may persist.
17. You should stop taking Aspirin (Ascard, Loprin etc.), warfarin, clopidogrel or any other blood thinning drug 24 hours before cupping.
18. You should not get cupping if you are suffering from fever.
19. Frail people should limit operation to 20 seconds. Pregnant women who have passed the first trimester should refrain from using cupping on the lower abdomen. Do not use strong suction when treating patients with a weak constitution. People with bleeding disease should not use cupping. Cupping is not appropriate for pregnant women, during menstruation, patients with active tuberculosis, mania or mental disorders, restlessness, and muscle cramps or convulsions
20. Cupping is not recommended during the first 3 days of menstruation
21. Control your blood glucose level if you are diabetic before getting cupping Your blood glucose level should be below 150 mg during fasting.
22. Avoid cupping on empty stomach, particularly when fasting for a long time. Do not use cupping over the kidney area, the eyes, sunburns or burns, open wounds or a recent trauma and when pregnant, on lower and upper abdomen or lower back.
23. To choose primary points and secondary points according to symptoms and syndromes, in general, 2 to 3 areas are suitable.
24. To have quiet and warming environment.
25. To inquire cupping response of patient, carefully observe skin change; withdraw cup if patient feels very tense and pain or other comfortable sensations.
26. Cupping should not be done over the breasts in women, as it will interrupt the menstrual flow. Other sites and conditions to avoid are all bony prominences, sites prone to cramps, areas showing any superficial blood vessels, varicose veins or much hair growth, tumors, and lymph nodes. Cupping should never be done on pregnant women or infants. Cupping on the nape of the neck is said to induce amnesia.
27. Cupping is not appropriate for patients with too high blood pressure, heart diseases, congestive heart failure and respiratory failure.
28. Cupping is not appropriate in drunken state, too hungry, too full, too thirsty, after strenuous exercise, in patients with extreme emaciation, cachexia, and patients without skin elasticity.
29. Patients with acute and critical disease, such as high fever, coma, or convulsions, definite diagnosis should be made first to prevent any loss of rescue opportunity.
30. Do not use cupping on inflamed or cut skin.
31. Take Extra Care when scraping the skin and do not cut a vein or artery.
32. Do not treat people with a serious heart disease.
33. Cupping therapy is not suitable for children under the age of 3; the very old or frail, cupping should never be done over the eyes.
34. Do not use cupping on individuals equipped with a cardiac pacemaker
35.  Do not apply cupping to subjects who are tired or hungry
36. Do not apply cupping on swollen, bruised or ulcerated skin
37. Clean and hygienic conditions.
38. Waste Disposal Procedures are sufficient and follow the law of the relevant country.
39. Relevant Sharps disposal and clinical waste.
40. All work materials such as chairs surfaces, and tables are thoroughly cleaned using a suitable disinfectant between patients and at the end of each working day and after any spillage on the surface.
41. Before conducting the cupping procedure, the practitioner will wash their hands and forearms with soap and hot water, drying with clean disposable towels.
42. Gowns and towels must be changed and cleaned after each use and free from stains as appropriate.
43. Cups and other disposable instruments must be prepackaged and pre-sterilized and only applied once, after which appropriate disposal in a puncture and leak-proof box, and its contents must be disposed of in a manner authorized for clinical waste. Hands must be cleaned with antibacterial soaps between each patient.
44.  Use of disposable gloves during cupping. Therapists must not overcharge, mislead or continue to treat Patients for prolonged treatment courses without beneficial treatment results. Controlled infectious disease which require hospitalization,
45. Cancer treatment and other serious diseases should not be offered as a replacement to conventional medical treatment.
46. Therapists must be trustworthy to their patients, not misguide, nor give unqualified advice.
47. Therapists must not advise patients to stop medication or other medical treatments without first consulting with their physician.
48. Therapists must give their complete attention when treating a patient and provide safe and suitable treatments to the best of their ability.
49. Attention must be taken by Therapists not to give incorrect results about the success of treatments or to say that any treatment is a total cure in every case without clear evidence.
50. Discontinue use if symptoms become worse or discomfort and pain are experienced.
51. In cupping, select generally appropriate posture and areas with abundant muscles, and smooth skin without hairs. Select different specifications of vacuum cups according to the desired site. If cupping has to be taken over an uneven area or an area with hairs, place a cushion of rubber clay or rubber ring over the cup entrance to prevent any  leakage of air, or select a specific cup. If skin is dry, moisten the skin first and then make cupping.
52.  In the initial treatment, small cups should be used first, and the cups may be less and the stimulation should be gentle.
53. Don’t change the posture after the vacuum cups are placed on. In multiple cupping, the distance between cups should be kept at reasonable distance, and the cups should not be arranged too closely.
54. Cupping is absolutely prohibited with hematological diseases such as hemophilia, leukemia, pernicious anemia and thrombocytopenia.
55. Cupping is not appropriate for those areas with large blood vessels, heartbeat, or agglomerated lymph nodes (mainly including sub-mandibular, lateral cervical, supra-clavicular fossa, axillary, inguinal and others.
56. Cupping is not suitable at areas with localized tumor, trauma or fracture, areas with varicosities of veins, scars, or scrofula (nucleus of lymph node) and at superficial sites of vessels.
57. Cupping is not appropriate over the sense organs and pudendal areas.
58. After removing the cups, don’t scratch randomly over the areas with localized flushing and itching. They will spontaneously resolve after several hours or several days.
59. When the patient is nervous, hungry, in poor posture, or the suction force of cupping is too big, the patient may sometimes suddenly appear the phenomena of pale complexion, nausea and vomiting, profuse perspiration and palpitation, coldness of extremities, deep and feeble pulse, and even unconsciousness, cyanosis in lips and nails, urinary and facal incontinence, feeble and impalpable pulse, and others. This is fainting on cupping ‘. Remove the cups immediately, let the patient lying flat, and keep the patient warm. The mild cases will recover after rest for a while, or after drinking some warm water or sugar water. In severe cases, if the patient did not recover after the above treatment, other therapies and rescue maneuvers should be considered.
60.                 After cupping is on, the patient should be inquired about their feelings. Sensations as heat, tightness, exit of cold air, warmth, and comfort are all normal. If the patient felt too tight, burning pain, and intolerable, it may possibly be that the suction force is too big or the site is not suitable for cupping. The cups should then be removed and placed again, or change the cupping site, or smaller cups are used.
61.                 Don’t change the posture after the vacuum cups are placed on. In multiple cupping, the distance between cups should be kept at reasonable distance, and the cups should not be arranged too closely.

After continued operation, a healthy skin response (redness which returns to normal skin color shortly after the cups are removed) replaces pigment response (red color which remains for a prolonged period). In such cases, you may still continue to use cupping(hijama). People with anemia may not show pigment response even though they may be suffering from an illness. However, continued treatment will yield very visible pigment response. Do not increase suction power just for the sake of yielding a better pigment response.

There are total 9 points of the body where prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam were performed hijama. These are the sunnah points of hijama.
In gazawah khybre while our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.sallam was poisoned, he took hijama at 3 point on the kahil, we feel that a cup was applied behind the heart ( at the left of kahil), & the third was either a little bit lower to this point or on the right side of the kahil, Allah knows the best.
Abdul Razzaq narrated that, “A jewish woman brought to prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam a roasted that she had poisoned, while he was in khyber, our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam asked, what is this, she said, a gift, being careful not to say that it was from charity so that he would not eat it. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam and sahaba (his companions) ate from the sheep, then our prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam said,” stop eating”. He said to the women,’Did you poison this sheep?, she said,”who told you that”? He said , this bone, meaning the ewe’s leg that he had in his hand. She said, “Yes”. He said, “Why”? She said, I thought that if you were a liar, the people would be relieved from you. However, if you were a true prophet, it would not harm you. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam then used hijama (cupping ) thrice on the kahil (upper part of his back ) and commanded that his companions do the same. Yet, several of them died.”
Narrated by ibn majah, on the authority of Ali razi allaho anh that angel Jibreel advised prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam for hijama at Akhda’ain (posterior jugulars) and KAHIL (upper back ~between the shoulder).
Reported by abu kabsha al anmari raza allaho anh that prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam took hijama on Haamah & between the shoulder (which is KAHIL). Narrated by abu dawood & ibn~majah.
Reported by Abdullah bin bujainah razi allaho anh that prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam took hijama on the centre of his head (yafookh) and he was in Ehraam while his journey to Makkah (Name of the place where they stopped is mentioned as lahyi jamal)
“used hijama (wet cupping) on the qamahduwah (above the nape cavity), for it cures seventy two kinds of ailments.”(Narrated by Tabraani)
Abu dawood narrated that jabir razi allaho anh said that prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam used hijama (wet cupping) on his hip because of a debilitation he suffered from.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam also took hijama on the hip & top of his foot, which explains that hijama at the painful area is also recommended by tibbenabavi.

Reported by Anas razi allaho anh that (while in Ehraam), prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alaihi Wa Sallam took hijama on the top of his foot due to the pain that area.
Narrated by Abu Dawood.

Male pattern baldness is one of the most common forms of hair loss that happens in men. It is also known as genetic hair loss or alopecia androgenic. Hair loss normally happens slowly; usually they start to notice bald spot on the crown of the scalp. Depending on the individual’s health, many start to see thinning of the hair around the temple area as they reach their thirties. Your hair goes through different phases; your hair growth cycle normally lasts for two to three years, it grows approximately 1cm every month.  Your hair grows and then rests for couple of months and then falls out, after couple of days new hair starts to grow in its position. It is normal to shed some hair everyday but if a person starts to see excessive hair loss then it is a sign of male pattern baldness.
There are so many reasons why excessive hair loss takes place in both men and women. For example a person maybe ill for couple of months or it can be someone who came out from surgery, or if the person is stressed out, they may see a large amount of hair loss. It can be related to thyroid gland being over active or under active, or female and male hormone deficiency. Many women notice hair loss for few months after they’ve had a baby because of the change in hormone level. Some medicines also cause hair loss such as blood thinners also known as anticoagulants, steroids, birth control pills, high blood pressure or heart problems etc. There are certain infections such as fungal infection that can affect the scalp and follicle to cause hair loss. Certain hairstyles can also cause hair loss such as pigtails, cornrows or tight hair rollers, the pull on your hair can cause traction alopecia. The traction causes the hair follicle to become wounded and damaged permanently if not treated at an early stage.
Research shows us men who suffer from male pattern baldness; they have a high rate of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in their follicles. They believe that DHT is one of the main causes of hair loss.  However scientists still do not understand its relationship with hair loss. They do not know why it only occurs at the top of the head and why the sides and back are immune to it? They also found that a lot of people do not take care of their hair, which leads to building up dirt and oil that clogs up the follicle making it harder for the hair to grow back. In time the hair grows thinner and thinner until it completely stops growing and the follicle closes permanently.
Can you prevent male pattern baldness? No, you cannot, but you can slow it down. Science recently discovered a possible cure for hair loss. They have been working with stem cells for years, until recently a fluke discovery was made. The experiment was performed on a wounded mouse. They saw new hair follicles started to grow in the injured area. This is exciting news for every hair loss sufferers but experiments are still going through tests and studies. While science is slowly catching up, people have alternative medicines to help slow down hair loss. The only two drugs that are FDA approved and shown to help slow down hair loss are Finesteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Regaine). Finesteride stops DHT being formed, in theory, stops hair loss. However with every drug there are some side effects, many people reported their sex drive was low, some even reported they lost the ability to have an erection.  Minoxidil is applied on the scalp; this helps it to circulate blood to the follicles thus having healthy hair growth. However, with minoxidil only a low percentage of people saw good results.
Can hijama help male pattern baldness? After doing a lot of research, we learnt that the most common hair loss is alopecia. Nearly two third of the male suffer from this in the UK. There are no researches or studies that show hijama being affective on slowing down hair loss, however people who were on finesteride they started to see hair loss slowing down, and many started to see new hair growth. The follicles that were dead stayed lifeless, the follicles that grew hair had low DHT. Minoxidil is used to help blood circulate to the follicles and many did see good results. So the two things we have here is a DHT blocker and good blood circulation that keeps the hair follicle open. We believe by performing dry cupping on the scalp, the suction can help open the follicles and promote blood circulation to help maintain the hair. This theory only applies to follicles that are still alive. Wet cupping on the head can also be effective as it will get rid of many harmful toxins and pathogens that build up underneath the scalp. Obviously healthy diet and nutrition is vital for the follicle to stay alive and maintain a healthy growth. Also cleaning and washing your hair and scalp is very important, as studies at a microscopic level show us follicles get blocked by oils and dirt that are produced by the body.  Individuals who wish to perform dry or wet cupping on their head must shave of their hair for easy suction. If you are worried about hair loss then you can try hijama therapy, we are not promising you anything this is just our theory. Inshallah if Allah wants to give you cure then he will. May Allah make it easy for you. Ameen.

Combining hijama therapy with massage is the most greatest way to improve muscle recovery after a heavy workout. We all like to stay fit and strong and that is why many of us go to the gym and exercise with weights to build muscle. We have to understand that when working out with weights we are actually injuring ourselves, our muscles get torn at a microscopic level. That is why a good food diet plan is followed after working out to help recover the body. Blood plays a huge role when the body is trying to recover, that is where hijama comes in to draw the blood to the surface and to the muscles. Also by performing wet hijama therapy, it will help detoxify by taking out harmful toxins and pathogens to help the blood circulate and heal the muscles. Below is an article explaining an experiment that was carried out on exercise and massage.
Study Finds Sports Massage Has a Positive Effect
By Wendy Bumgardner, Guide Updated October 22, 2009
Does sports massage after intense exercise speed muscle recovery? While athletes of every kind use sports massage, the hard research into whether and how it works has been sparse. But a 2008 study by Ohio State University researchers found evidence that Swedish massage improved the time it took for the muscle to recover and the massaged muscles had less damage and less evidence of swelling and inflammation.
Massage Study Tests Muscle Recovery
The four-day study was performed on rabbits rather than humans. They were sedated and their muscles put through simulated exercise. The test group of rabbits then received simulated massage while a control group didn’t get massage. The massage imitated Swedish massage techniques, which are the most popular for sports massage with long strokes, kneading, friction, and joint movement. After the exercise and massage, the researchers tested the muscle tissues of all of the animals. The specific muscle tested was the anterior tibialis, which in humans is the shin muscle that often complains with shin splint pain when you begin or change your walking program.
Massaged Muscles Showed Improved Recovery
The difference in strength recovery between massaged muscles was significant – 60% strength compared to 15% for the non-massaged muscles. The researchers also saw that the massaged muscles had fewer damaged muscle fibers and no sign of white blood cells present to repair muscle damage. The massaged muscles showed less sign of swelling, weighing 8% less than the non-massaged muscles.
Previous Human Study Didn’t Find Recovery Effect
While the rabbits showed some effects of improved muscle recovery from massage, a previous study of human cyclists published in the April, 2004 issue of the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that there was no measurable effect in the ability of their leg muscles to perform after either of leg massage or resting recovery. But the cyclists reported less fatigue after massage.

This section will be updated with questions that are asked frequently or to an assembled list of many questions and their answers.
Jazakhallah Khair.
Q: Does wet cupping (hijama) hurt?
Ans: Well it depends on the individual’s pain threshold; so far most of the patients we have treated did not feel pain. Some felt light pain and others felt very ticklish and they started to giggle/laugh, which we found a bit worrying lolz (joking). The reason why they were laughing is because their skin is more sensitive. People build a huge mental image inside their head of a blade with red blood and they automatically feel scared. The best way we can describe the blade cuts is that it is not deep cuts, probably lighter than a paper cut and several small cuts are made on the surface of the skin. There is nothing to be scared of, we are sure there are people out there who are going through bigger pains in life.
Q: Oh my Lord! Are you pumping out all of my blood!?
Ans: Relax! Take a chill pill we don’t want the blood to spill (Jokes aside). One thing you have to understand is that the blood that comes out is from the surface of the skin, it is not from the mainstream. If you are thinking your blood system only contains hemoglobin, platelets, plasma and white blood cells you are wrong, there are so many other junks that fly around in your body such as dead blood cells, blood clots, different toxins and pathogen please read our toxins section. Different people’s body gives different responses, sometimes hardly anything comes out from a person’s skin and that is not a bad thing. Because the cuts are very light the body heals the area very quick and automatically the blood stops coming out. We constantly analyze the patient if they are feeling well or not. Only in paradise you will be 100% pure and clean.
Q: How long does it take to do hijama?
Ans: Depends how many cups you do, the standard three cups on the back takes approximately 30mins.
Q: How often should I do hijama?
Ans: It is totally up to you, some do it every month as a preventative medicine in the sunnah days, which is 17th, 19th and the 21st of the Islamic lunar calender. Others do it after 3 months or 6 months or even after a year. Hijama is a detoxification therapy, there are other detox programs that people follow for example, they may start to have more fruits and vegetables, antioxidant drinks, cut down on fatty unhealthy foods and so on.
Q: Can hijama cure me?
Ans: Allah knows best.
Q: Can i do hijama if I had a miscarriage?
Ans: If you had a miscarriage recently we do not recommend hijama because after a miscarriage the body needs to rejuvenate itself, it can take close to 6 months to a year depending on the individual and how serious the miscarriage was, you must see your doctor before you try to conceive again. For sisters who had a miscarriage we strongly recommend to have a good nutrition diet with multivitamins everyday, believe me it will make a difference to your body. Avoid eating too much of carbs and spices e.g. rice, spice and red meat. Some shiekhs recommend for a woman after giving birth to wait at least 2 years before planning to get pregnant, because the body needs to fully recover and so on. You can try hijama after 6 months of your miscarriage (depending on what the doctor says and your situation), please make sure you are eating well and you do not need to fast before doing hijama. If you just ate we recommend for you to wait at least 2-3 hours before the hijama treatment.
Q: What are the side effects of hijama?
Ans: Possible side effects are feeling light headed, sick/nausea (especially in the morning on an empty stomach), fainting/blackout due to lack of energy and temporary bruising. These cases are very rare and only occur if the patient is very unwell. Unlike the drugs, medicines and operations done by allopathy which will have side effects. The cupping therapy is free from any side effects. Except few marks which will come due to the stagnation of blood which will remain for few days.
Q. How long the bruises will remain?
Ans: Bruises will remain for 7 to 10 days.
Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: Remember that everyone is different. There are Some factors that will indicate the number of treatments you require; how long you have had your problem; if you have been on medication and for how long. Another factor could be your lifestyle, diet, excerse and even sleeping pattern
Q. How to treat vesicles appeared during cupping?
Ans: The appearance of water droplets on the cupping print or appearance of blisters, petechiae or extravasation of blood in the skin are all normal reactions. The appearance of vesicle means the wetness is heavy in the body; if the vesicle contains bloody water, it is the reaction of heat wetness -evil. For the small vescle, just carefully prevent any abrasion, and wait for its spontaneous absorption. When the vesicle is bigger, it often denotes the illness is more severe. Use a sterile needle to prick at the root of the vesicle, rapture it, and let the fluid passing out, and then apply antiseptic gauze to prevent infection. If there is no sterile gauze available, then prohibit any self-treatment, and send to hospital or clinics for treatment.
Q. What is the matter of air leakage during cupping?
Ans: The causes of leakage of air or not sucking on during cupping are mainly; the time of use is too long, the  aging of rubber stopper or dirty substances absorbed on the rubber stopper; dryness of skin; hairs too much or too long; incorrect use of vacuum gum; insufficient air exhaust in vacuum gun, and others.
Q. What if there is no treatment for a particular disease with cupping therapy?
Ans: Alhamdulillah, as it is said by our Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said:
If anyone has himself cupped on the 17th, 19th and 21st it will be a remedy for every disease. (Book 28, Number 3852)
If at all there is no direct effect of cupping on a particular disease (due to lack of research in that area) Cupping is very beneficial for the treatment as it strengthens the immune system, activate lymphatic system, increase the blood circulation, purifies the blood, removes toxins, Cupping will also increase the effect of medicines on the body
Q. I am a healthy person, why should I undergo cupping therapy?
Ans. Cupping Therapy gets rid of acidic toxic waste which accumulates in our bodies (blood stasis) as we grow older. Sources of toxic waste include the polluted air we breathe; toxic chemicals found in your food, water, drinks, household chemicals & toiletries; environmental waste in your neighbourhood; intoxicating drinks, narcotic drugs, junk food and smoking; waste products of normal body metabolism; products of medicinal drugs metabolism; impact of trauma and accidents on our body; and toxins from mental stress, anger, anxiety and depression. The blood stasis (stagnated or congested blood) slow down or block supply of blood via blood capillaries which deliver much needed oxygen, nutrients, water, mineral electrolyte, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and immune system cells & antibodies to your cells, tissues and organ. The blockage also prevents the removal of carbon dioxide, metabolic waste products and toxic substance which are excreted via our urine, lungs and skin. As a result your cells, tissues, and organs cannot function at its normal healthy level and become progressively weak, inefficient, and easily overcome by germs. This would cause tissue or organ to malfunction and infection to take place. Therefore you will experience symptoms of diseases such as aches and pain, numbness, fever, cough, stomach ache, constipation, diarrhoea and headaches. If left untreated further accumulation of toxic waste may lead to serious chronic diseases including hypertension, ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, alzheimer disease, migraine, heart disease, stroke and cancer
Cupping is a very good preventive measure
Q. Is cupping therapy recognized by Indian Govt?
Ans: Yes, cupping is recognized by the govt of India. Under department of AYUSH.
And also in Indian institute of alternative medicines

Hijama (cupping therapy) a sunnah of nabi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Its Sunnah as well as treatment. Chinese national treatment called Acupuncture points are derived from Hijama (Cupping Therapy).
Hijama (Cupping Therapy) is commonly operated in many countries and taught in medical universities as subject.
Unfortunately, in our country due to unawareness of this Sunnah treatment, commonly people take heavy dozes and pay much for treatment.
We aimed to spread this Sunnat treatment and give awareness to people. Train people to operate and get rid of medicines.

“The level of service at KEY TO CURE is fantastic. Having had many treatments from them, as I was suffering from migraines and other problems and am now free from them all, Alhamdulillah and also Thank you!”
Ibrahim – Dewsbury
“In this day and age, it’s hard to find a cure for all the ailments I’ve been suffering from but thanks to KEY TO CURE as they were recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!” May Allah reward you.
Shabana – Manchester
“I was suffering from something the doctors could not pin point for a few years but subhanAllah after two treatments I was cured by the permission of Allah. Alhumdulilah & Jazzakallahu khayran to KEY TO CURE.
Zaida – Bradford
“I’ve tried so hard to lose weight with exercise and dieting but it goes only to a certain point. After having the slimming treatment I was able to reach m my target and my skin is all toned up too, I’m so glad I found this relaxing treatment which actually works without exercise, thanks”
Judy – Leeds
“I was suffering from back pain, I don’t know what the brother did to me but it was amazing, alhumdulilah, I feel great.”
Talab – Doncaster
“I used to wake up with a headache every day, but just one session and my headaches have gone and I feel like a new person, thanks to Key to cure it really works”!
Faisal – Leeds
‘Due to my deterioration health condition, I have regular cupping sessions from KEY TO CURE, the procedure is easy and harmless, and you always feel rejuvenated and lighter after a session. I would recommend cupping after all the angels of Allah recommended this as it occurs in the hadith. I have used several therapists in the past but found Key to Cure to very professional and most hygienic’
Abu Muhammad – Leeds
‘I suffered from migraines but after just two treatments, I have had no further attacks. There has been headaches from time to time and these have responded to a simple 500 mg dose of Paracetamol. I have also stopped taking indigestion remedies has well because my stomach feels settled.
After two treatments for cervical arthritis & my neck is no longer painful. My blood circulation has improved and the Oedema in my legs has subsided, also an unknown lump in my back has disappeared too.’
Jameela – Leeds
‘I have suffered from severe back pains for many years & tried all sorts from chiropractors to acupuncture & many more but nothing gave me the relief the way hijama therapy did. I travel almost 2 hours via train to get to Key to Cure and find it very beneficial each time. They offer a great service & are very professional; they also give other good advice. I recommend Key to Cure to anyone.’
Sahina – Newcastle upon Tyne
The experience with Chicago Hijama was great. The fact that they have revived and allowed us to partake in this sunnah alone is unmatched. However, the care by which they take you through the process helps relieve any trepidation and eases the patient throughout the process. I look forward to going back whenever I can
Sa’ad Quadri , English Teacher, Chicago IL
Very pleasant experience especially since this was the first time for me. The waiting area was very clean and professional. Fahad did an excellent job making me feel comfortable with the whole process.
Basit Majid, Bartlett
This was my first time getting Hijama. The results were so great Mashallah. Thanks sister Halima for doing an excellent job and being extra caring and supportive. I feel great after getting the hijama done. I feel more relaxed and happy. May Allah always bless Sister Halima and her family for bringing the sunnahs in other people life. I have alot more energy now. I feel like complete new person.
Anum Umrani,Chicago
Alhamdulillah, this was my first time I practised this Sunnah and I have to say that Fahad did it in a very professional manner in a very clean and comfortable environment.
I highly recommend to get Hijama done at least once in a lifetime to revive this Sunnah especially when you have access to such an excellent practitioner.
Yusuf, Chicago
Immediately after, I felt so soothed, calmed, and energized Alhamdulillah!
It’s a sunnah, you know it’s gotta do something.
SA, Chicago, IL
I had a very positive experience. Sister Halima took care of me from the moment I entered. She explained the procedure, made sure I was comfortable throughout the appointment, and ensured I felt well before I went home. I feel amazing Alhamdulillah– no dizziness or weakness. I actually felt so much energy on my way home and continue to feel increased energy and clarity. My cravings for coffee and sweets have waned completely! InshaAllah I will continue to visit Chicago Hijama for my hijama needs. And a big thanks to Brother Fahad for being very accommodating and flexible with my appointment time.
Jameela, Chicago, IL
Assalaamu `alaykum, I had hijama done for the first time a few weeks ago. I have food allergies, seasonal allergies and many more health issues. Alhumdulillah, I have noticed an immediate decrease in all of my symptoms – even strong medications have not provided me with such relief. Initially I was scared of the process but Alhumdulillah the sister made it go by very quick with the least amount of discomfort. It has definitely reaffirmed the fact that there is no doubt in the barakah of sunnah of the Prophet (alayhis salaam) for me. I would recommend anyone with asthma and allergies to get hijama done.
MK, Educator, Chicago
This was my first time getting hijama done. I really wanted to get it done for a couple of months up until the night before my appointment. I made the mistake of searching hijama on youtube. I was scared and canceled my appointment that morning. But Brother Fahad called me and really eliminated my fears. He went through the procedural steps and spoke about the benefits of fulfilling this sunnah. Sister Halima did a wonderful job; she was kind, welcoming, and above all very professional in her work. May Allah Ta’ala reward them for their efforts and put more barakah in their service.
Sister in Islam, Dental Student, Oak Brook, IL
Assalamu Alaikum,
This was my very first experience getting Hijama and all I can say is that it truly was a great experience. May Allah SWT bless brother Fahad for his efforts in reviving this Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). If you are concerned how painful this will be then just know that there is no pain at all. You will only feel the suction cup tightening your skin and then as if someone is writing on your back, that’s all. I feel so energetic after I had Hijama, this was truly worth it. In Sha Allah, I plan to continue getting it done in future also…
Jazak Allah.
Mohammed, Bloomington, IL
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah! First of all I would like to thank Allah (swt) for giving us this opportunity to experience this great Sunnah of our Prophet (saw). Secondly, we would like to thank Br. Fahad and his wife for accepting us in their busy schedule. It was our first experience to try this amazing procedure and we are glad to follow the Sunnah of Prophet(saw). I’ve been going through this weird neck and arms pain for the past couple of years. Tried a lot of conventional medical procedures with no results. AlhamduLillah, I felt immediate freshness and energy right after the procedure and so did my wife. Br. Fahad and his wife did the procedure with absolute professionalism and ease. We did not feel any pain or discomfort at all. May Allah (swt) reward them multi-fold and give more shifa in their efforts. We will definitely recommend everyone regardless of any ailment or not to try this at least with the intention of following the Sunnah. InshAllah, this should help everyone. JazakomAllah Khair. – Zamans
Mohammed A Zaman, Bloomington, IL
May Allah reward you for the reviving this beautiful and long forgotten sunnah. What an amazing experience. I have felt so many benefits since having my first session including immediate relief from lower back pain that I have suffered from for over 12 years, alhamdulillah. Even my teeth feel cleaner (like that clean feeling right after a dental checkup). My skin has cleared up nicely as well. The setup is so professional, very sanitary, clean, inviting, and even smells good aH. Communication is excellent via email for scheduling appointments, followups, and questions. Also, Sister Halima really put me at ease with her explanation and advice during the process. It is a real blessing to have this sunnah available to us. I am looking forward to having regular treatments iA. Sister Halima is extremely inviting, warm, professional, and knowledgeable about this wonderful sunnah. What a blessing to the community aH!
Sumaiya, Stay at Home Mom, Chicago, I
I found Hijama as one of the easiest and most productive way of curing diseases. I didn’t feel any pain instead I felt as though someone is writing with a pen on my back. It is a sunnah of our prophet Mohammad may Allah be pleased with him. I would recommend every muslim should perform hijama atleast every 6 months.
Mohammad Abdul Rahman, Student, Chicago, IL
I’ve had great results from getting hijama done. This is my 6, or 8th time that I’ve had it done in the past year. The fist few months, I did not feel any significant changes. However, afterwards I’ve felt great changes in the next couple of days of having it done. Its been great Alhamdulilah. Alhamdulilah, Its helped with the pain that I’ve had due to Rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve gone away from treatment of doctors and it has helped a lot. Alhamdulillah.
Anas Gandhi, Student
I got Hijama done in December We did the Sunnah points as well as an additional one for my food allergies and food intolerances.
Alhamdulillah, I’ve been feeling much much better since that treatment. I feel as though 80% of my digestive issues have been resolved. I’m certain that there’s still work to be done, and inshaAllah, as time and schedule permits (since we live out of town), I’d like to come in for another session.
Jazakillah khair for your kindness and expertise.
Sister in Islam, Housewife, Madison, Wisconsin
I got a couple of hijama sessions done after being referred by a friend. It was nothing short of a miracle for me, as my severe chronic migraine pain almost disappeared. I had tried every posssible doctor and treatment before hearing about this. The procedure was trouble free, painless, smooth, and effective. I am currently attending maintainence sesssions and I keep going back for it because of the other bonuses I get in addition to migraine relief, like positive energy, sinus relief, neck pain relief, and a relaxed feeling. For people out there who have any doubts in regards to pain or effectiveness, I can testify that its as painless and effective as it gets.
Posted By: Fatima
I got Hijama done after I was referred by my cousin. I feel so relieved after it. I used to have stress headaches and neck pain but after Hijama it is much better Alhamdulillah. I would suggest getting it done as it is reviving a Sunnah of the beloved Prophet and Inshallah it will also bring cure along with it.
Adil Siddiqui, Rolling Meadows
Alhumdulillah my first hijama experience was great. It was a smooth process, painless, and was not time consuming. Brother Fahad is thoroughly professional about the procedure and makes you feel comfortable at all times. Highly recommended. Jzk.
Faisal, Entrepreneur, Aurora, IL
This was my first time getting Hijama and the experience was pleasant. Not painful and i have full faith that it will assist in healing my migraines. Brother Fahad has a great way about him and will put you at ease.
Zubaire Qurrum, Naperville, IL
Assalaamu’alaikum, Alhumdulillah it was my first time getting hijama done. Alhumdulillah very rare opportunity and pleasant experience that ALLAH (swt) allow me to have. I did not feel any pain at all. May ALLAH (swt) allow all Muslilm brothers and sisters to revive this Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), Ameen.
Meraj Qadri, Chicago, IL
I was exercising one day and woke up on the wrong side of the bed the next day with really bad lower back injury. I was in extreme lower back pain for 3 days straight not to mention I thought my basketball days were over. The second the blood and sludge started draining from my body it was absolute relief. That bad blood was simply abusing my injury. Most importantly oxygen was now able to access that area that was being suffocated. I wasnt able to walk or lay down or do anything the day before hijama. After doing hijama I ran a full sprint to jummah that same day!!!
Adil Subhani, Skokie, IL
For quite a few years, I have been trying and looking for anything that would help my horrific acne that has left behind scars. Nothing seemed to have worked but Alhumdulillah, after just one Hijama treatment, I saw results in a week!!! Not only that it is working, but I also got to fulfill a Sunnat of our Beloved Prophet SAW. I for one will surely have it performed again and recommend it to everyone. Not painful at all, therapist is professional and well experienced; totally worth it!!
Zubair Vhora, Student, Harvey, IL
Asalaamu’alaikum, Alhumdulillah it was my first time getting hijama done. I have had a shoulder dislocation that I was unable to fully recover from and after getting hijama done to both shoulders, Alhumdulillah they feel significantly better than before, thanks Br. Fahad for this great opportunity, may Allah (SWT) help us all benefit from this sunnah.
Hass-Saan Kareemullah
Alhamdulillah this was my first time doing hijama. It was a very positive experience from start to finish. Sister completely put me at ease. The next day i had so much energy i cleaned half my house!
Nazneen K, stay at home mom
Alhamdulilah, this was a rare opportunity to fulfill the sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (Sallahu alihe wassalam). Not only was it spiritually rewarding, but physically as well. I got Hijama done on my back & shoulders and they felt very relaxed afterwards. I slept very well after I got Hijama and woke up full of energy and very fresh. Br. Fahad’s experience & professional setup made this unique experience even better.
I definitely recommend it as a way of reviving the sunnah and also alleviating any illness you may have. May Allah reward the organizers behind Chicago Hijama for investing their time and effort, Ameen.
Mufti Hussain Kamani, Chicago, IL
First of all it’s to revive the Sunnah of Resulullah which we should learn and practice in our daily life. It was rare opportunity and very pleasant experience that Allah s.w. allow me to have. Sister is well organized,fast, and very gentle , talking through steps into detail so you learn so much about hijama. I did not feel pain or anything , but after a few hours I felt much lighter and more energetic then before. Wonderful feeling May Allah s.w. allow all Muslim brothers and sisters to revive our Sunnah.May Allah s.w. bless our Sister and all Muslims. Amin
Vasvija Colpa, Banker, Chicago, IL
Allahumdulillah, I was blessed with an opportunity by Allah to practice upon a sunnath of our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAS). It has been a magnificent experience, at first by the looks of it I thought it would be painful, but when the process was in action on me I didn’t feel much, it was like a twig on my back. For the people who are out there and want to get Hijamah too and it is their first time, believe me it’s not even close to what you’re expecting. I am recommending you to go to this place, but with an intention of practicing upon a sunnath. Get one done on yourself and once it’s done, enjoy a splendid feeling which is the feeling of refreshment.
Juvairia Abid, Housewife, IL. Chicago
Finally after so much of search on the internet to find a good professional Islamic Hijama practitioner in US, I found Brother Fahad Ahmed at chicagohijama. Alhumdulillah, had it done for the first time. It not only makes you feel great, relieved of stress and energized but at the same time you will be fulfilling the sunnah and practicing what came down from heavens.
Murtuza Shareef, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
This was the first time I had hijama done while being in Chicago (previous experiences overseas were just as amazing) and the experience was just wonderful. Akhi Fahad’s professionalism and talent of performing hijama is a huge blessing for the Chicago community to perform an act of the Sunnah that would be otherwise be forgotten. There is a long line of people that sign up to get this done months in advance so the earlier you reach them, the better. May Allah revive this sunnah within our community and bless the brother and his family for being such wonderful helpers of Chicago area Muslims.
Suhail Moffat
Alhamdulillah it was great opportunIity to be able to revive a forgotten Sunnah. I feel very fortunate that Allah SWT gave me the opportunity in Chicago to be able to emulate a Sunnah of Nabee Kareem Sallallaho alaihi wasallam. I was very impressed by the organization, the confidence and the professionalism of the person performing the Hijamah.
It was very relaxing and soothing. I felt very energised after the procedure. I would recommend this procedure to our Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah SWT give us the tawfiq to act upon the Sunnahs of our beloved Nabee Kareem Sallalaho Alaihi wa’sallam in everything we do. Aameen.
Habiba Basathia, Retired nurse, currently enrolled in Aalimah classes, Naperville
Alhamdulillah, I feel extremely grateful to the Sister and all the people behind Chicago Hijama who have made it so easy and convenient to act upon this lost and forgotten sunnah here in the West. It was such a painless and quick procedure and I would encourage everyone to get it done! In fact, it was kind of fun and you feel so refreshed and revived afterward. May Allah keep this sunnah going!
Sabah Memon, Naperville, IL
This way my first time getting hijama done. Alhamdulillah I was very excited for the opportunity to practice a beneficial and largely forgotten sunnah. The process itself was relatively painless and Brother Fahad’s professional attitude made everything so much smoother. From the email confirmations and appointment setting, to the prep guidelines, and even a follow up email – it was comforting to be guided through this “new” experience every step of the way. May Allah swt bless this effort.
Saud Siddiqui, Student, Lombard, IL
Alhumdulilah performed the Hijama first time in my life. First I didnt feel anything but when I got home I felt really fresh, full of energy, had a good meal and slept like a baby. InshaAllah will be returing & recommending family/friends to help revive the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Saw). It did not hurt at all, its actually a really soothing procedure.
JazakAllah kahrun Fahad bhaii for a great experience.
Adnan Mehmood, Engineer, Woodridge,IL
Got my hijama done for the first time, experience was AH a very positive one. I had been wanting to get it done for a long time but did not know of any reputable Hijama Practioners. I am glad I found one and was able to perform the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (saw).
Jahanzeb Hanafi, Villa Park, IL
My first Hijama experience was painless and went really well. It was very well organized which made me feel really comfortable before the procedure and yes, it doesn’t hurt! InshAllah I plan to have the procedure done twice a year.
Owais, Finance, Chicago
A rare opportunity to practice this Sunnah. Very relaxing. Well organized and the confidence and professionalism of the specialist made me feel all the more comfortable with my decision to practice the Sunnah
Imran A. Khalique, Engineer
My first time getting Hijama done I was kind of skeptical of how it would be, but Alhamdulillah everything thing went smooth and painless. Now I get it done every couple of months to help revive the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S). I have suggested Hijama to many of my friends that have medical issues and others that are looking to act upon an almost forgotten Sunnah.
Moulana Mubeen Kamani, Islamic Scholar & Islamic Studies Teacher, Morton Grove, IL
I woke up daily to back pains from previous sports injuries and the day after I woke up after Hijama, the pain was gone. The best sleep I had in years. You feel great, more energy than before and walk around feeling like a stud because you helped revive a Sunnah. Alhamdulillah, it didn’t hurt at all. In fact, it kind of tickled.
Aziz Kamal, Chicago, IL

Repair and maintenance:
1.            The vacuum gun may be dissembled by self, and the dirt in the gun barrel should be cleaned away regularly. After cleaning, some lubricating oil may be placed around the periphery of the rubber bowl.
2.            When the air exhaust of the vacuum gun is not enough, replace the rubber bowl and continue to use after installment.
Main Features:
Pull out a vacuum apparatus Used air evacuated technique, which absorbs the cupping apparatus on body surface and reduces the pain on your body Safe plastic cupping without fire,Have no side effect
Remove the inside the breeze cold wet hot poison, health care gift, old and little all proper, New health care gift, Send the friend, Elegant features, Species assorts, Economy enduring
Pure physical therapy, Safe and quickly, Clinical application,
Problems in use and their treatment:
The problems related with cupping and their specific means of treatments may be seen in detail as Table 2.

Ibn Umar r.a reported that the Messenger s.a.w said, “Hijama (cupping) on an empty stomach* is best. It increases the intellect and improves the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorising. So whoever is going to be cupped then (let it be) on a Thursday in the name of Allah. Keep away from being cupped on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Be cupped on a Monday or Tuesday. Do not be cupped on a Wednesday because it is the day that Ayoub was befallen with a trial. You will not find leprosy except (by being cupped) on Wednesday or Wednesday night.” [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3488).
* ‘alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink.
The cupping operation must be done before the breakfast. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said, “Hijama (cupping) before breakfast is optimal, and it has cure and benediction.”
It is forbidden for a person to be cupped to take in any morsel whatsoever in the morning of cupping, but to remain fasting until it is performed upon him. He is permitted to drink a cup of coffee or tea for the sugar it contains is little and it does not need complicated digestive operations which stir the blood, activate the blood circulation, affect the blood pressure, and the heart beats. Also this little quantity of tea or coffee contains a simple nerve stimulant which makes the person undergo cupping in a wakeful.
For this reason the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w prohibited eating before applying cupping for it activates the digestive system and the blood circulation in order to recompense the digestive operations which lead to the increase in heart beats, blood flow, and a high blood pressure. This case will move the precipitated residues of the sluggish and retired blood in the superficial and deep blood vessels and capillaries in the region of the upper back (these unwanted materials of blood gather during sleeping). Also blood flow is activated during the distribution of the digested nutrients in order to feed the body tissues. Such a situation does not fit cupping. If cupping is performed in similar condition, the blood isn’t filtered by this operation (Cupping), so the withdrawn blood is the working blood (not the spoiled blood which is full of impurities as dead red blood cells and R.B. cell ghosts…) and we have lost the expected benefit from cupping. In this case, the cupped person will also suffer from slight vertigo or syncope as a result of the insufficient quantity of blood which irrigates the brain.

 The two main methods of cupping practised wildly throughout history and also documented in the Ebers Papyrus, and Hippocrates were, Bleeding or wet cupping and Dry cupping.
Dry cupping - This procedure involves creating a vacuum into the cup bringing blood and lymph to a pacific area, promoting circulation and healing, In addition it will help break adhesions between the skin and underlying connective tissues, allowing for freer movement, pulling the local underlying tissue up into the cupping vessel.
Moist or wet cupping - This is the oldest and the most effective method. A surgical tool called a lancet is used to scrape the skin, the glass is then placed over the manipulated area, and with the suction pulling the blood, which is then drawn up into the glass cup. As history moved on and we moved on in centuries, more cupping therapy methods devolved and have become more into worldwide use.
Fire Cupping - Another traditional Chinese method of cupping used worldwide.’ A small cotton ball is lightly coated with alcohol. The cotton ball is then ignited and inserted inside the cup which will evacuate the air, creating the vacuum. The cotton ball is then withdrawn from the cup; the cup is then quickly placed onto the skin to the chosen area.
Massage or moving cupping - This is done by applying oil to the skin, by moving the cup or glass around with a weak suction over the area that needs to be worked on.
Needle cupping - This method is a combination of acupuncture and cupping. The acupuncture needle is applied first, and then the glass is applied over it.
The hot cupping technique - This is done with moxa, also known as dried mugwort. This herb is a warming herb. To do this treatment the needles are warmed with smoldering dried mugwort, and then applied to the appropriate area. The cups are then applied over the top.
The flash technique - This is a method where several medium cupping are done several times in quick succession. This stimulates the tissues in the area to speed up the healing process.
Herbal cupping - This is done by applying the appropriate herbal tincture to the inside of the glass, and then the glass is applied to the skin.
The water technique - This would be the least used method of cupping. It is a very difficult method to learn. One third of the glass is filled with warm water and held very close to where it’s to be placed onto the body. Burning cotton wool is quickly inserted inside the glass, while the glass is swiftly turned over and placed in position. If done correctly, no water should be spilled.
Stationary cupping - The cups are placed onto the desired location and left on the same spot for ten to fifteen minutes. Several cups may be applied in a single treatment. To release the cups, press the skin around the cup this will breaks the seal ready for removal.
Momentary cupping - The cups are ‘popped’ on and off rapidly
Magnetic / Hand - Pump This have become the most modern way of cupping for many practitioners, the use of a hand pump to obtain suction. This can give several advantages to the practitioner, no need for a flame or flammable liquids. It is also easier to judge the amount of suction needed, the magnetic are placed inside the cups the cups are then placed on allocated points, and suction is then applied.

When people talk about the health benefits of blood donation, it is similar to venesection (puncturing of veins) which was called FASD in old times. You can read the article Cauterization.
The difference between Hijama & FASD is the blood itself; FASD (Blood Donation) removes fresh blood from the veins, while Hijama removes the septic blood from underneath the skin.
FASD is helpful for diseases that are cured by extracting out the fresh blood, & those ailments are very few, but septic blood which is the roots cause of many diseases is only drained out by Hijama. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that”Cupping extracts the septic blood more efficiently than puncturing the veins”. A surprising fact is that the purified hijama blood can’t be donated. Hijama is superior to FASD in many aspects; a comparison of FASD & Hijama by observation is as under.

Blood donation (FASD)
Point of suction
From underneath the skin
Taken out from the veins
Rancid & rotten with a bad smell
Rarely has bad odor
Reddishbrown to black
Enhance the vision
Negligible on vision
Reduces cholesterol, especially Triglycerides
Negligible effect on Cholestrol
Induces freshness in the body
Might cause weakness
Migraine& headache
Head’s Hijama is best for Migraine & headaches
Negligible effect on Migraine/headache
Back pain
Reduces & eliminates the back pain
Can’t reduce your back pain
Cervical spondylosis
At posterior jugulars is the cure for Cervical Spondylosis
No effects on cervical problems
Sehr, jinn, Evil Eye
Powerful enough to crush spells of Sehr, jinn & Evil Eye
Can’t break the spell of Sehr, jinn or Evil Eye
Some medical experts recommend donation of blood for good health & Prophet NABI SALLALLAAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM recommended Hijama

Cupping (Hijama) regulates the flow of Qi and Blood. It helps to draw out and eliminate pathogenic factors such as Wind, Cold, Damp and Heat. Cupping also moves Qi and Blood and opens the pores of the skin, thus precipitating the removal of pathogens through the skin itself. In my opinion, nothing moves Qi and Blood faster than cupping. From the very start of its application one can observe the blood moving in the direction of the cup. Where a patient’s energy is deficient this movement will be slow; if the energy is abundant it will be much quicker. One can actually observe this process if plastic cups are used.
Cupping therapy has been further developed as a means to open the ‘Meridians’ of the body. Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and through every organ and tissue. There are five meridians on the back that,
When opened, allow invigorating energy to travel the whole length of the body. It has been found that cupping is probably the best way of opening those meridians. Cupping has also been found to affect the body up to four inches into tissues, causing tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, activate the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins. Cupping is the best deep tissue massage available. Cupping, the technique, is very useful and very safe.
As discussed earlier, cupping is particularly effective when the external pathogen still resides in the superficial energetic area of the body, the Defensive/Protective level (Wei Qi). Whatever the vessel used, the objective of the treatment remains the same, i.e. to remove the external pathogens from the body and restore the circulation of Qi, Blood and the Fluids, thus bringing health to the sick.
Below is a rare Japanese account on the subject of cupping thera­py, taken from a Japanese cupping-set manual (no author is mentioned). The effect of this therapy can be classified into two categories: the general (Purification of blood, improvement of circulatory functions of blood and lymph, regulation and betterment of automatic nervous system, etc.) and the local (removal of pain, relaxation of stiff muscles, etc.). Medical perspective in understanding some mechanisms followed by the Cupping Operation to cure or improve a number of Hopeless Disease
3.            Purification of Blood
4.            Effects upon the skin
5.            Effects upon muscles
6.            Effects upon joints
7.            Spleen Disease
8.            Liver Disease
9.            Heart and Blood Thrombi
10.        Digestive System
11.        The Nervous System
12.        Especially the brain
13.        Diabetes Disease
14.        Kidney Disease
15.        Eye Disease
16.        Cancer Disease (Malignant Disease of the Time)
17.        Conclusion
Purification of Blood
Among the general effects, the most important is the effect upon the circulatory system. Professor Kentaro Takagi of Nagoya University says that the skin-stimulating therapies are significant in that they awaken the greatest responses in the circulatory system. His remarks were not necessarily directed towards cupping therapy, but I think it has much in Common with the skin-stimulating therapies he mentioned. Owing to the pull of low pressure, the flow of blood in the arteries and veins increases, although in the case of the latter, localized spots of congested blood appear and then disappear. It is possible to ease the interruption of blood circulation and congestion and to stop the inflammatory extravasations (escaping of bodily fluids such as blood) from the tissues. Therefore, facilitation of the flow of blood is the most important characteristic of this therapy. It is very beneficial for hardened arteries, stiff shoulders, etc.
Dr Katase of Osaka University suggests that this therapy may influence the composition of blood: it increases red and white blood cells and changes acid blood into alkaline or neutral. This leads to the purification of blood.
Effects upon the skin
According to one experiment on a 35-year-old male subject, fine hair on his back grew to thick hair of 1 to 1.5 cm long after about 140 applications of treatment by this method. This is because the direct physical stimuli on hair roots and the expansion of blood vessels of the skin, by means of the pull of low pressure, cause an increase in blood circulation, a rise of skin temperature, the promotion of metabolism within skin tissue, better functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands and of cutaneous respiration and sufficient supply of nutrition to the tissues. The essential point of ‘cupping therapy’ is not only to withdraw stagnant old blood within the skin but also to remove poisonous substances from the surface of the skin. This is why, when a doctor continues this therapy on a patient with his bare hands, they become yellowy. It accelerates secretion of salts and sebaceous matter and the excretion of water. Another important point is that it strengthens the renewing power of the skin and its resistance to various harmful conditions.
Effects upon muscles
The pull of low-pressure ‘cupping therapy’, the functioning of blood vessels within the muscles is activated in response to the stimulation of the subcutaneous capillary vessels. Thus the expansion of the blood vessels in the muscles facilitates the flow of blood and has a remarkable effect on a stiff shoulder, for example, removing congested blood. Moreover, this facilitates the flow of lymph. After the ‘cupping therapy’, the skin will be all aglow as a result of the rise in skin temperature and muscles by the increase of the blood flow.
Effects upon joints
Chronic joint rheumatism is one of the conditions for which ‘cupping therapy’ is effective. In this case the treatment is concentrated on the area of the joints concerned. When the condition is mild, an almost complete cure is possible, and this results from the better flow of blood within the joint, the activity and secretion of synovial fluids. In case of muscular spasms around the joints, they can be removed.
The effect of Hijama (cupping) on the Spleen disease
Splenomegalies may be due to the need of increasing the splenic work.
For example, some reasons which causes these Splenomegalies are ; Infectious inflammatory causes: It is believed that this kind of Splenomegaly caused by infectious inflammatory factor results from the increasing in spleen’s defensive activity, or due to the increasing need to refine certain compounds from the blood. And the congestive causes: this kind of Splenomegaly caused by the congestive causes results from the increase in pressure in portal circulation or in the general blood circulation.
The amplification may also be due to over productivity of reticals-endothelia cells for the spleen to withdraw the spoiled cells from the blood, or due to the myeloid metaplasia, or the amplification may be due to blood rubeosis, or infiltration lesion where the spleenphagias are filled with spoiled materials which accumulated due to the effect of these diseases.
We have found in this respect that the cupping operation is a must solution for such cases (Splenomegalies). Moreover, cupping can stimulate the reticuloendothelial cells to carry out its important immunity role against germs, parasites, fungi and protozoon’s. It is clear that cupping application according to its rules is a secondary spleen which forms a main assistant for the spleen in the blood filtration from all unwanted materials and spoiled and dead blood cells. So cupping Medicine is a very important protective of, and curing treatment in such cases of spleen problems.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the Liver Disease
When cupping removes the spoiled and senile corpuscles and the impurities from the blood, and it increases blood flow in all tissues and oranges, consequently in the liver tissue. So, the liver cells will be activated and then the whole liver will be activated to perform its other functions in a complete performing. It will transform the cholesterol and the excessive triglycerides by its metabolic function, and stores the excessive sugar in blood with help from the pancreas in reducing glucose level to normal one in the diabetics. And the liver will be more active in rescuing the body from poisons, this activate all its systems including the brain and nervous system so the general health of body is better.
It also heightens the regeneration of spoiled tissues in the body because the liver is responsible for the production of the necessary protein for continuation of life and growth, it is clear that cupping medicine is a cure or main improving of all hepatic problems including all types of hepatitis, and prevents from or curing the hypertension of the portal vein and all resulting dangerous problems. Prof. Dr. A. G. Jabakji, the specialist in neuromicroscopic surgery from Holland, says, “The implementation of cupping as it has been recommended is an explicit and clear entrance to complete health and good recovery. It supplies man with great power and energy by way of opening and cleaning the fine blood vessels within which blood precipitates and forms residues on its walls, and such a case is one of the causes of migraine, heart and liver disease, and other ailments of the age.”
If we consider the hepatic Enzymes as a criterion for all treated cases where the levels of them are high, the findings are; after cupping they return to their normal levels.
The effect of the Hijama (Cupping) on Immunity System
The cupping operation increase the ability and activity of the immunity system due to the increased activity of the reticals-endothelial system, and the good blood flow through the tissues and oranges heightens the immunity of the body because that the pathogens in the body are more subjected to the immunity system unites.
Interferon is the quickest defensive line to be formed and secreted after the exposure of the body to any virus. Prof. Kanteel says,” That the leukocytes can produce interferon in a rate exceeding ten times more than the other body cells produce.” The test of cupping blood showed a presence of very slight rate of leukocytes in it in addition to its great effect in producing the immunity defensive cells as the phagocytes which destroy pathogenic agents. This development in the stem (initial ) blood cells go towards leukocytes formation, that the case of body demanding increasing in white blood cells in order to defend the body against the pathogenic agents. Here we can say: cupping keeps the leukocytes (there is just a very slight rate of leukocytes in cupping blood) and activates its production that helps in producing interferon in abundant quantities to face the hepatic virus or cancer cells.
This is what we have seen through the tests which the lab team has performed.
The effect of Hijama (cupping) on the Heart and Blood thrombi
In this era we hear every day about a sudden death and paralysis. These incidents are attributed to blood clots which are nothing but an agglomeration of red and white corpuscles, platelets and fibrin fibers crowded together at the ramifications of arteries to form a clot, its main happening is hypertension. The cupping operation has a great preventive role as it was mentioned in some of Hadiths that it prevents (hyperemia).
In the dictionary of “Lissan Al-Arab” hyperemia means “agitation and increase,” This description applies also on arterial hypertension and real increase in red corpuscles (poly Cythemia vera; Erythremia).
The disturbance of the cardiac system may be caused by ischemia or oxyachrestia. Also myocardia infarction is due to ischemia resulting from arterial stenosis (arteriosclerosis ) and the thrombi themselves when they are in these coronary arteries.
The angina pectoris is generated when there is a decrease in supplying the heart tissue with the necessary Oxygen. Because the fat precipitations have partly blocked up the coronary artery.Then the high level of arterial hypertension may lead to complications such as: cardiac insufficiency, angina pectoris and encephala vascular incident. The long arterial hypertension may cause heart enlargement, and atherosclerosis.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the Digestive System
The blood stagnation in the veins of the stomach and the intestines destroys their secretive and absorption functions and that will to severe bleeding, especially the vessels of the stomach, the intestines, the esophagus and the rectum, and blood clots in the legs and feet, hemorrhoids, and severe menstruation” in women, all of what mentioned above leads blood pressure to go down.
So, Cupping medicine activates the blood flow and consequently prevents blood from the in the digestive system. Therefore we cupping prevents and treats all the above mentioned cases. Most patients have their problems with haemorrhoids come to an end after performing cupping. The heightening blood pressure with a sluggish blood circulation leads to harm the biliary tracts and increases the density of the bile. Here cholesterol and bilirubin start to crystallize and that hinders the circulation of the arterial blood. Whereas the compactness of the aged red corpuscles and their precipitation result in the impeded circulation in portal vein. Eventually, the tension of the portal vein heightens to push a part of the blood to the peripheral circulation round the liver through vessels anastomosis , consequently the spleen congests and enlarges and also does the venous vessels in the pancreas leading to its atrophy and its inability to do its functions. This is what we have seen. In fact, the cupping opretion is a prevention and cure for all these problems and saves us from the trouble.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the nervous System, especially the Brain
Cupping therapy stimulates the sensory nerves of the skin. As demonstrated in a clinical experiment conducted at Kobe University, the inhibitory effects on hypersensitive pain are not limited to the area of direct treatment, but include the areas controlled by the relevant nerves. Treatment on the back is mainly directed to the central line (spinal nerves and parasympathetic nerves) and the sympathetic nerves beside it. The stimulation of these has, it can be said, a good influence not only on the automatic nervous system itself but also on various organs under its control.
Cupping therapy is, like massage, effective against the so-called syndrome of general malaise, such as chronic headaches, dizziness, languor, stiff shoulders, fatigue, etc. These are said to derive from anxiety, worry and bodily pain. It is also effective against endogenous chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, neuralgia and rheumatism. During treatment with this therapy on the back or the loins, for example, some middle aged or elderly patients fall asleep, snoring loudly. This clearly shows one of the effects upon the nervous system. The mechanism of its effectiveness will be clarified some day. Thus the general and localized effects of this therapy strengthen the healing power against diseases and, together with a healthy diet and psychotherapy, cure or prevent disease completely.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on Diabetes Disease
One of the factors of heightening the rate of sugar in blood is ischemic the case where the body is stimulated to liberate glucose in order to raise the activity of its organs. Unluckily, the cause is not in the burning or in the ability, but the ischemic meager. And this explains the secret of immediate recovery for diabetic people soon after performing the operation. The activity of the liver and pancreas share much in reducing the level of sugar in the blood. This is what we have seen while performing the operation.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the Eye Diseases
Cupping, while playing its role in removing from the blood all that impedes its movement and prevents it from stagnation. In this way, it activates the blood circulation and improves the perfusion of tissues and organs, and at the same time, it raises the activities of the various organs and systems of the body in addition to what result from the rearrangement of the hormone secretion leading to raise the immunity and defense of the body and its systems, especially the brain, the optic nerve, and the retina improving, in his way, the general state of the eyesight.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the kidney Diseases
The two kidneys usually do their duty of cleaning the body from nitrogen products, regulate the concentration of sodium, and metabolize the body liquids. They also concentrate the ions in blood and the balance of PH in the body, the deficiency of blood perfusion to the kidneys breaks down the kidneys from doing their elimination function and that may cause kidney failure, or to fall victim of Boliva disease which affects the brain and kills its cells.
Cupping eliminates the ischemia from the kidneys and encourages them to function their duties to the best and that will increase the resistance of the body against diseases in general.
The effect of Hijama (Cupping) on the Cancer Disease (Malignant Disease of the Time)
The accumulation of blood impurities will affect negatively the flow of blood, the perfusion of the tissues and organs will decrease, then the heart will exert more effort to secure their requirements. When the outpouring of blood lessens from the liver, the blood impurities deviates it from its most important duty in removing poisonous materials.
The function of the spleen will be lowered in its immunity level in producing antibodies and in straining the blood from strange elements. The work of the systems will reduce little by little. The person will not immediately feel these changes in his body until old age when situations worsen, the troubles appear, and diseases creep upon him.
For this reason we find that the rate of infection in cancer is greater in aged people than it is in others. All this is due to the absence of cupping. When the outside factors, such as chemical and radiological elements, and psychological impacts, the body becomes a prey for these aggressors. This is not all, for the body cells proliferated madly until they revolted against this body, and it was cancer. Any disturbance in the systems of the body leads to disturbance in the hormone disequilibrium with the outside factors. But the result was bigger than a weak immunity system weakened by ischemia. The organism recognizes the cancerous cells and considers them strange and forms antibodies against them seeking to control this tumor and trying to stop its diffusion, and the tumor appears when the equilibrium tends to the advantage of the cancerous cells.
Cancer has grown up when its cells overcome the immunity system, and the immunity system is linked with the systems and organs of the body, and the whole forms an integrated unity.
If the liver worked in a high competence and saved the body from poisons, and stored, analyzed and combined, and the spleen accomplished its turn by changing its immunity cells, the T-B phagocytes, into secreting cells for globulins, and the humeral immunity was strengthened, and the two kidneys were purifying and organizing the mineral salts in a high efficiency as the rest systems and organs of the body do, then the body will restrain all outside effects and remains safe and sound. Statistics have shown that persons, who took medicines to inhibit immunity when they performed renal transplantation operations, were more exposed to infection by cancerous tumors than normal ones in a rate that reaches (35) times more. Some cases were found in the Americans that (74%) of those people infected by cancer were complaining from viral hepatitis. The owner of a weak liver is more exposed to primary hepatic cancer. One of the studies showed that the rate of infection by hepatic cancer between males was higher than it was with females by (6) times. And this is the result of menstruation, that” Divine Cupping”.
Studies have shown that the tumor cells in the blood circulation, which saved them-selves from damage, become a malignant dissemination whose rate did not exceed one cell out of ten thousand cells from the total tumor cells because the effect of immunity was strong in the blood medium. For this reason doctors started using anticoagulins to stop spreading of the cancerous cells.

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